New Efficient GPU miner & Pool

We’re thrilled to announce the upcoming launch of a high-performance mining pool for the HACash project. This pool will feature a state-of-the-art CUDA miner, designed to deliver optimized speed and efficiency.

discord: Ha.Cash

Please free to ask questions. Any updates will be posted here and discord as well.


Nice. Good initiative

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Will be released this week. GPU miner for Linux & windows.

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Hello, any update with miner?

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I’ll publish tomorrow. So buy HAC as much as you want today :slight_smile:

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Hello, any new info? When can we expect the release?

Final testing is happening ( custom stratum support pool ). Can expect within couple of days.

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How are things? Is that you started mining :face_with_peeking_eye:?

Yes, it took so much time to fix bugs in the pool code.

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When do you plan to release the software?

I have three options in mind.

  1. Pool restricted miner.
  2. No pool restrictions but some Dev fee %
  3. Fully open source both miner & pool

Pool restricted miner has some advantages for the current scenario to prevent big players into spamming community gpu miner as they have more computing capacity. My incentive will be 5-10% pool fees.

Gpu miner being closed source but making pool soft open will create more pools. It is good for the community in general but still monopoly won’t end. My incentive will be taking 5-10% hashrate as dev fee ( it works by switching mining to dev wallet randomly like 1 out of 20 shares )

Fully open source gpu miner and pool. I don’t find any incentive in this approach for the efforts and time put into the development.

Please share your thoughts as well.

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Thank you for your reply.

We, as a community, very appreciate your work and your willing to share it.

We know how much effort and resources it costs to create such software. In this regard we would like you to be rewarded for your work.

Maybe you would be interested in discuss about the “fee” at which you would like to share the software on “open source” terms. We as a community will open a crowdfunding and raise a fund to cover your commitment.

It will be great if the miner & pool software could be fully open source (on github) and help to grow Hacash mining.


It will be great if it will be “Pool restricted miner.”. So it will be easy to maintain and troubleshoot the mining process.

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NOTE: I had to restore forum from Feb10 Backup due to unseen circumstances. Please DM if I missed any messages. pool related discussions Join discord server - Ha.Cash

Pool listed miningpoolstats

Will you release a new update for the pool?

When do you plan to release Windows and Ubuntu 20 miner versions?

I can’t run it because it is an old version. It keeps giving jsoncpp error. Could you please release an updated version for Ubuntu 24.04?