The current coin price is relatively low, and I feel that many of the people who used to be there are no longer there. Now I am sending messages to the leader, but no one has replied to me. It feels like no one is paying attention to this project, so I don’t know what the situation is?
Yes, the project has been left without much interest, it seems like there is not enough effort to promote it.
The whitepaper of the project is great, but if people do not know about this project and do not invest in it, unfortunately it will be doomed to disappear.
Evet, proje pek ilgi görmeden bırakıldı, tanıtımı için yeterli çaba gösterilmediği anlaşılıyor.
Projenin whitepaper’ı harika, ancak insanlar bu projeyi bilmez ve yatırım yapmazlarsa, ne yazık ki yok olmaya mahkum olacak.
Relax, there is still a lot of people who are supporting the project. This is 100% community driven project, so its normal that development is relatively slow. Comparing to 1 or 2 year ago there is massive difference and a lot of good things happened. Dont look only at price